Cheat Sheet #
Furo fbp only knows a few of keywords to control the application flow.
Adding event listeners #
The at- keyword let you bind a wire to an event. This can be any browser event or custom event.
Assign a wire which should be triggered when the event happens.
By default the event.detail
property is put as data on the wire.
To put the event root on the wire, use at-click="--lightSwitchClicked(*)"
Execute exposed methods #
The fn- keyword let you trigger methods with the data which was put on the wire as argument.
If a method needs multiple arguments you have to put a array on the wire data, otherwise only the first argument is filled.
The classic notation for at- is @-. The classic notation for fn- is ƒ-.
Set member variables of a component #
The set- keyword let you set member variables (not the attributes) of element.
<span set-inner-text="--labelReceived"> initial label </span>
Will set the attribute innerText
on the span,
as soon the wire --labelReceived
is triggered.
The classic notation for set- is ƒ-..
Setting member variables of the host component #
The (( )) keyword let you store data from events on member variables of the host component.
<my-component at-event-name="((color))">
This will store the data of the event event-name
on the
host member variable color
Emitting events #
Non bubbling events #
Non bubbling events will, as the name says, not bubble and stop at the next dom parent. To fire a non-bubbling-event use ^event-name.
Bubbling events #
To fire a bubbling-event use ^^event-name. Bubbling is useful if you want or have to use the event in a parent component.
Non bubbling host events #
With -^ you can dispatch an event, which is available on the host only, but does not bubble.
Receiving the return values from fn- calls #
The at-fnret- keyword let you wire the response of a method call. The data which is put on the wire is the response of the method.
Stop propagation #
The keyword :STOP is used to stop the event propagation to parent elements.
Prevent default #
The keyword :PREVENTDEFAULT will set the prevent default on the event.